The GYROTONIC® Method vs. Pilates 101


The GYROTONIC® method and Pilates are complementary movement modalities that help practitioners move with more fluidly and awaken their mind-body connection. Both create balanced, long lean muscles; improve strength; enhance flexibility and range of motion; alleviate strain throughout the body; and, reduce stress. In fact, many clients find that incorporating both exercise methods into their wellness journey allows for a richer experience and maximizes their results. 


Although the two are complementary, there are some important differences to keep in mind, especially for those new to either practice:

-    GYROTONIC® exercises are designed to open the body while exploring full range of motion in a controlled manner. Pilates is designed to improve alignment.

-    The GYROTONIC® method uses pulleys and weights to provide feedback and resistance while Pilates uses spring tension.

-    The GYROTONIC® method incorporates 3-dimensional movements and is circular. Pilates exercises are 2-dimensional and more linear.

-    The GYROTONIC® method focuses on control through the body’s maximum range of motion whereas Pilates focuses on balanced control through the stabilization of muscle groups.

-    GYROTONIC® exercises include more circling, spiraling and undulating patterns of movement which help strengthen the internal support structure of the body and open up the fascia in a safe manner. Pilates exercises include a lot of flexion and extension to strengthen and stretch each muscle group.


Fortunately, at Epiphany Pilates there is no need to choose between the two. We are proud to offer classes and individualized private sessions in the GYROTONIC® method. For more information and scheduling options, contact us today at (703) 204-2200 or!


GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

Eurona Tilley